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Using RibbonCreator with secured MDB files:

(Tipp by: B. Beacham)  


Adding a ribbon to a secured file:

  1. Open target MDB file with a developer account, and do this:
    • If VBA Project is locked for viewing, unlock it.
    • If the Start-Up Bypass key (normally the 'Shift' key) has been disabled, re-enable it.
  2. In Ribbon Creator application, when opening the database to install the new ribbon, use your normal developer user account, and hold the "Shift" key after entering password to prevent auto-run events from occurring.
  3. After ribbon is installed, re-open the MDB file as developer and reverse the steps you took in step 1.

I have used the Workgroup Administrator to join the correct workgroup security file by default. If Access is set up to use default (no) security, you might need to take this step. (In the VBA Immediate window, enter: RunCommand acCmdWorkgroupAdministrator

Loading a custom ribbon from a secured file into RibbonCreator:

  1. Open target MDB file with a developer account, and do this:
    • Give 'Admin' user account Open/Run permissions for Current Database (just the database object, not every object in the database).
    • Give 'Admin' user account Read Data permissions for USysRibbons table
  2. Close MDB file and use Ribbon Creator to grab the ribbon.
  3. When you are through, re-open the MDB file and remove the Current Database permissions you set for the 'Admin' user in step 1.




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